The Delineator offers optimal guidance and access to the implant area, while also acting as an esthetic temporary provisional. Carefully developed by our implant specialist, The Delineator offers you a guide to maximize implant success while offering your patient an affordable esthetic temporary.
Our goal at Keating Dental Lab is to provide your office with the tools you need to offer your patients the best results and service possible, including products like The Delineator.
Guided Surgery Tools for Dental Implants
There are a number of ways to ensure success for each implant procedure you do, like using The Delineator. Developed by our implant specialist after thousands of successful implant cases, this tool is part surgical guide, part implant locator and part esthetic temporary.
With this three-in-one cost-effective appliance, your implants will become more time efficient and produce better results for your patients.
Fabricating The Delineator
Our implant specialist developed The Delineator with tissue-shaded acrylic and clear, flexible clasps. This shape not only ensures optimal placement, but also ideal angulation. This means that you can perfectly transfer your case planning to the operatory.
We wanted to make the Delineator as effective as possible throughout the entire dental implant process, especially during the provisional stage. It helps protect the healing abutment and offers an esthetic, functional, and nearly invisible provisional as a typical model would.
Using The Delineator as a Guide
As a prosthodontist or dentist, you can use The Delineator to direct the surgeon to the most ideal position for the dental implant. In this situation The Delineator acts as a stent while offering superior guidance and ease.
The surgeon can place the implant using the metal sleeve in the center of the proposed implant that acts as the drill guide. This provides the most ideal emergence profile and tooth sizing. As Paul Hertz, DMD wrote in Dentistry Today, “If the implant is ideally placed, stock abutments can be used, saving a great deal of time and expense for both the patient and the dentist.”
At Keating Dental Lab, we believe that dental implants should be efficient and cost-effective for both you and your patient. With its unique shape and esthetic design, The Delineator offers that opportunity. Increase your implant success with a beneficial all-in-one tool you won’t want to go without.
For more information regarding The Delineator, request your free New Doctor Kit by email, or give us a call at 1-800-433-9833.