Difference Between Bridge and Implant: Our Comprehensive Guide to Dental Restoration Options

implant model displayed in a dentist's desk showing the replica of 2 teeth with 1 implant crown between them

Dental restoration often presents varied options, with bridges and implants standing out as the most common choices.

  • A dental bridge, as the name suggests, bridges the gap left by one or more missing teeth.
  • An implant, on the other hand, seamlessly replicates a tooth root, providing a durable and functional replacement.

Now, "Is a bridge better than an implant?" or "Is a bridge cheaper than an implant?" These questions often perplex individuals seeking dental restoration solutions.

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The Difference Between a Dental Bridge and an Implant

A dental bridge relies on adjacent teeth to hold a fake tooth in place, filling the void left behind by lost teeth. This solution is often best suited for those who need a quick and relatively cheaper solution for missing teeth. 

A dental implant, on the contrary, involves inserting a titanium post into the jawbone, mimicking a tooth’s root. This option is ideal for individuals who focus on longevity and aesthetics and those who can afford a slightly higher cost.

When pit against each other, while the bridge offers immediacy and a lower initial cost, the implant offers durability and preserves the patient's overall oral health.

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Exploring the Advantages of Dental Bridges

Bridges, presenting a simpler procedure, get the nod when time constraints and cost, "is a bridge cheaper than an implant?", are key factors. Faster completion and less recovery time coupled with cost-effectiveness are significant aspects favouring bridges over implants.

For patients with strong adjacent teeth ready to support a bridge, this option often becomes a strong contender.

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Unpacking the Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants, famous for their longevity, preservation of bone and surrounding teeth, and aesthetic appeal, are considered the modern gold standard. While they may come with a higher initial cost than a bridge, their long-term benefits and strength make them the go-to choice for many patients and dentists.

Read also: Dental Implant Crowns: Differences And Advantages Over Tradicional Crowns

Discussing the Disadvantages: Bridges vs. Implants

Bridges may affect the supporting teeth in the long run and they also require replacement every 5 to 7 years. In contrast, implants are more invasive, carry a higher initial cost, and require a longer recovery period.

Implant or Bridge: Which Is Better?

Deciding between a bridge and an implant involves considering the patient's oral health, the cost and the patient's comfort, and preference.

It's essential to have a professional consultation to understand the implications of each choice for the patient's unique situation.


Understanding the difference between a bridge and an implant, their advantages, and potential downsides, can help patients make informed decisions about their dental care. Irrespective of whether a bridge is cheaper or an implant is a better fit, the primary aim is to restore effectively and efficiently your patient's beautiful smile.

At Keating Dental Lab, we are dedicated to providing optimal dental solutions tailored to your patient's needs. Whether considering a bridge or an implant, you can rely on our expertise. Reach out to us today and discover our incredible array of dental lab services.