There are a number of ways to advertise your dental practice, but Facebook Ads is one of the most efficient. Not only are you able to target ads to a specific group of users, but you’re also able to boost your current posts and increase their engagement. But, you’ll need more than an advertising budget to make it work. Here are our top ways to creative effective Facebook ads.
Creating Effective Facebook Ads for Your Dental Practice
Create a Facebook Ads Account
This is your first step to Facebook Ad domination. In your account, you’ll be able to setup payment, manage your campaigns, and have an overview of all of your Ads. It’s connected to your Facebook account, and is used in conjunction with the analytics and page management information you see as an Admin of your page.
Make Your Content Creative
We know there’s a plethora of content available to your followers, so focus on making yours creative. Creative content with great imagery will stand out among the noise, and will make your budget worth spending.
Use attention grabbing headlines, and intriguing images. Social media is incredibly image-driven, which means your ads (and posts in general) need high quality, branded images.
Use Ads Manager for CTAs
One of the reasons Facebook advertising can be so effective is because of their ad targeting. You can create audiences for each campaign based on a number of factors, like if they’ve visited your website. The geographical filters are also advanced, so you can focus on your immediate area.
By using these filters and the available tracking for your ads’ performance, you can get the most value from your call-to-actions and your ad budget. And since Facebook Ads is affordable compared to other marketing efforts, you can see a great ROI from a relatively small budget, when done correctly.
Know When to “Boost” Your Posts
You’ve probably noticed the “boost post” option under posts on your page, but how do you decide when to use it? You’ll want to focus on boosting your non-sales content. For example, we could boost this post, but we wouldn’t boost a post that’s sharing our latest product with a link to buy.
Doing so gives your audience value before asking for money. If they’re still interested after reading your content, then they can click over to your product pages.
Test and Evaluate Ad Performance
Your hard work creating these ads will be wasted if you don’t take the time to test and evaluate them. A/B testing is a common way to find your best performing ads, and this can be done with differing copy, images, and headlines.
By creating these A/B tests, one group of users will see one version, then a second group will see the other. This means you can see how one may outperform the other and adjust your campaign accordingly.
There are many different factors you can tweak to get the most out of your budget, and A/B testing is a way to do so. You may want to focus on one or two metrics at a time, so you know what is making the difference in performance.
Whether you have a robust advertising plan already in place, or are looking to get your practice in front of more potential patients, Facebook Ads is an affordable and effective way to advertise your practice. By using these tips, you’ll be able to create effective ads and get the most out of your budget.