Artificial jaw with veneers and crowns, on the work table in the dental laboratory. Dentistry and treatment concept.

Why Your Dental Practice Should Be Using Email Marketing

Email marketing is a key piece of the marketing puzzle for dentists. While social media has value, the algorithms can keep patients from seeing your content, but emails will always make their way into inboxes. But, email marketing is more than sending an email every once in a while. It’s a strategic way to share information with your patients on a predictable schedule.

Build Your Email List with Social Media

Your social media profiles are a great way to build your list, and it’s an easy piece to implement, especially on Facebook. On the administrator view of your practice’s Facebook page, there will be a blue box on the right with “Add Button”. From there, you can add a link to sign up for your email newsletter.

You can use individual posts to help build your list, as well. Some posts can be a more obvious “hear about the latest dental news that matters to you” type of content, and others could be part of a promotion. If they sign up for your list, they’ll be entered to win a free round of whitening or a gift cards for a local restaurant.

Use Email Marketing to Increase Patient Visits

Email marketing will help keep your practice in front of your current patients. They’ll see your emails in their inbox, see the information you’re sharing (below), and realize that it’s probably been a while since their last visit.

Now, you don’t want to send two emails a week (unless you have a really good reason for it), because then you may get some unsubscribes, but regular emails can increase patient visits.

Include Helpful Information to Increase Opens

Not every email needs to be a hard sell. In fact, most of your emails should be a soft sell, which means the bulk of the email is helpful and relevant dental information and news. There can be a small push at the end for a current special or information on making an appointment, but emphasizing helpful information will increase opens and build trust with your patients.

The information you include will vary with the type of practice you’ve built. If you’re a pediatric dentist, focus on content like tips for parents as they create healthy brushing habits. If you’re a cosmetic dentist, you can include information about the latest veneers or ways to maintain a great smile. Consider what your patients want to know and see, even if it may be different from what you may want to share.

Create a Schedule & Frequency, Then Use It

One of the most important parts of email marketing, and marketing in general, is consistency. Your followers, in this case your patients or potential patients, will begin to anticipate your emails and will realize when they haven’t received one recently. This is why a schedule is so important.

Creating a schedule and sticking to it means that you’re sending the same number of emails each month. It can be once a week, twice a month, or once a month. Whatever you decide you and your team can do, maintain that schedule. Regardless of how often you’re emailing your list, make sure the frequency you choose is something you and your team can maintain.

Whether you already have an existing email marketing plan or are looking to start, these are four facets you need to have. Keep it growing, keep it valuable, and keep it consistent.

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Founded in 2002, Keating Dental Lab is a full-service dental laboratory serving dentists and patients throughout the United States. Think of Keating as your one-stop solution, offering everything from case planning and diagnostic waxing, to full arch implant hybrid restorations. 

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