Gingival Health While in Provisional Veneers

Post-Laser Gingival Care

Because we used a laser on Robin, it’s even more important to care for her gingival health. Using a laser is a painless, simple process, but it’s still something to take seriously. That being said, her care involves taking a rubber tip instrument and gently going up into the sulcus three or four days after the procedure, and repeating three or four times a day.

After those three or four days, Robin will take a syringe with an Ultradent tip of hydrogen peroxide and use it around the edges three or four times a day. This cuts down on anaerobic bacteria and helps keep the gum as healthy as possible. After each time she’ll rinse and spit into the sink. Once the syringe is used, Robin can easily find 3% hydrogen peroxide at pharmacies like CVS and Walgreens.

Care Prior to Veneer Cementation

Robin will continue the hydrogen peroxide care between us placing her provisionals and three days before cementation day. Those three days will be the same process, but with chlorhexidine, like Peridex, in the same Ultradent syringe around the edges. She’ll also switch to an anti-bacterial mouth rinse.

While we could have patients use the chlorhexidine the entire two weeks before cementation day, it can discolor theprovisionals, which is why we prefer the three day method. This is a critical step of the veneer process, as we want the gums to be as healthy as possible prior to cementation day. Even with those patients that struggle with excellent oral health will have immaculate-looking tissue and will be in perfect health.

We hope this helps you create beautiful aesthetic restorations for your patients!

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