Part 1. Removal of Anterior PFM Crowns Chair Side Procedure |4K Ultra HD|

Removal of Anterior PFM Crowns Chair Side


In the first ever 4K Ultra HD Live Chair side clinical procedure, Dr. Hornbrook takes you through the removal of old opaque Porcelain Fused to Metal Crowns from 1958 on Dr. Dale Brandon of Orange County California and replacing the old PFM’s with New anterior esthetic zirconia crowns with high translucency (KDZ Bruxer® Aesthetic from Keating Dental Lab).

Included in this remarkable clinical video series is “how to take a prep shade”, esthetic crown material options and how to use them and finally wrapping up with the Replacement of the old anterior crowns with solid zirconia high esthetic restorations.

The Patient (Dr. Dale Brandon) also has one root canal tooth, but most of the grayness is coming from that gingival third where he has some recession due to the inability for light to penetrate through that porcelain-fused-to-metal crown and light up the root.

Dr. Hornbrook starts this restoration in Part 1 by cutting of the old porcelain crowns and actually performing some conservative, very minimal prep veneers on his lower interiors to improve that incisal plane. Utilizing some of the new high-translucent monolithic zirconia strongest material we have in dentistry which is what we call the KDZ Bruxer® Aesthetic and looks as good as some of our glass infused ceramic and even our lithium disilicate.

Watch The Full Chairside Restoration Video Series:

-Part 1 Removal of Anterior PFM Crowns:

Part 1: Removal of Anterior PFM Crowns Chair Side Procedure

-Part 2. How to take a Stump Shade on Anterior Crown Restoration

-Part 3. KDZ Bruxer® Aesthetic Anterior Crown Material Solutions (Whiteboard Lecture)

-Part 4. Replacement of PFM Anterior Crowns with Aesthetic Zirconia

Part 4. Replacement Of PFM Anterior Crowns With High Esthetic Zirconia

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