Dental Implants | Everything You Need To Know

Dental Implants

Dental implants are for patients who are edentulous in some form or another. They require an implant that is supported by bone and tissue.

The laboratory can help streamline this process by offering products or services that fit the dentist’s needs. There are many options that Keating Dental Lab (KDL) delivers in the form of implant abutments and dental restorations. Regarding dental implant systems, we accept most if not all methods. We can also recommend strategies that work for specific patient needs. Our laboratory offers implant courses throughout the year. In addition, it has abundant resources on our website or our dental up podcast.

With intra-oral scanners and imaging, we can accept most files to design crowns, abutments, or surgical guides to help implant treatment plans. Whether you want to fabricate restoration with one or more implants, we have you covered in treatment planning. We have a selection of products to choose from that fit specific patient needs. All of the products we offer go through a process, starting with management and skilled technicians who work with the clinician to create the best implant restoration for the patient. Below you will find information about implants and what we can plan and deliver for you when the time comes. If you have any questions, please reach out to our implant manager for any specifics on cases.

Different types of Abutments

Why Implants?

Implants are a last resort option when patients entirely lose their teeth. The implant is a strong foundation that ensures patients can eat again, talk again, and not have to worry about other options like dentures that can fall out or break. With so many advances in technology, implant placement has been more accurate than ever.

Keating Dental Lab believes that implants, when needed, are the way to go. With one-on-one communication with the implant team and clinician, we can create implant restorations that exceed your patients’ expectations. We will be able to get the restoration back in time so that the patient can go back to living a better life. We are glad we can create a solution to complex implant needs without making it difficult for everyone involved.

Watch: Successful Implant Solutions

Screw Retained Dental Implants

This is our most popular implant option as it includes dental crowns fabricated with Keating Dental Zirconia (KDZ) Crowns. We offer entire upper and lower long-span bridges, single unit, and three or more unit bridges. We offer zirconia as the material, but we offer gold too. The implant systems that we most commonly use in these situations are Noble Biocare, Atlantis, and our KDL Custom Dental Implants. We also accept digital scans from all the top manufacturers of scanners. We can fully design the implant, crown, and placement and return the final product to you in time for your patient’s next visit. Find out what option works best for you and send the impression digitally or traditionally. Either way, we will provide you with a high-quality product.

Zirconia Full Monolithic Implant Restoration

This product is completely made from zirconia as it includes one large part that acts as the teeth and gingiva. It’s like the implant overdenture but is fully monolithic and durable. Again, working with the dental implant system you have developed, we can create a full arch product that looks natural and very strong. You will less likely have issues when eating objects that are tougher on the posterior and anterior regions. This product will cost more than the implant overdenture. It will also use our latest technology to measure accuracy for fit and function. This custom implant zirconia bridge is an excellent option for someone who is missing all their teeth. The substructure of this product is entirely made of zirconia. It is screw-retained, which includes one solid piece, and the technician creates the gingiva for customization. Ask our expert if this product is right for your patient and if cost is not an issue.

Implant Supported Overdenture

This process is what it sounds like you have dental implants designed to attach to a denture. This can be used as a system that would be less expensive than other products and works well for fully edentulous patients needed an entire upper or lower denture. We can offer you advice on implant treatment and what we offer as a denture. Four or more implants can produce this as support. With our technology and experience, you will find that the implant-supported overdenture will be a perfect option for patients looking to save money on their restoration. We can also offer Keating Dental Lab Implant, which is also available at a lower cost. We will work to make sure the patient is always happy with the outcome.

Surgical Guides for Implant Placement

We offer surgical guides, either printed or done by hand. This option is great when planning for an implant procedure. The designed surgical guide is made for accuracy in placing dental implants in the patient’s mouth. This works well when you can use technology to pinpoint bone and structure. Just send the file to our lab, and we will use our implant technology to fabricate the proper surgical guide for your next implant treatment plan. We also offer a product called the Delineator which can also work as a guide for implant placement.

Nobel Biocare Implants

Our technology and systems work well with implants from Nobel Biocare. The All-in-four implant restoration can be produced using Nobel Biocare implant systems. Our relationship with Nobel Biocare spans many years, which has built knowledge and partnership together for implant treatments. Most implants we receive are made from titanium, including titanium implant bars. Our continued success with Nobel has made them one of our most recommended dental implants in the market. In addition, we can create custom screw-retained abutments that are cement-free and fixed or removable products. To learn more about dental implants, visit the Nobel Biocare Products Overview page, here . Let us know if you are interested in Nobel Biocare FCZ Abutment, a full-contour zirconia crown, and an abutment with a specific driver to screw in at complex angles. We will help fabricate that for you.

Keating Custom Abutments

Types of Abutments

Keating Dental Lab Custom Abutments

These abutments are digitally created and made from titanium. Our custom abutment is cheaper than other brands and is considered a better abutment than most. It takes our lab nine days to scan, design, and fabricate the abutment. We would highly recommend this option as it saves time and money. For more information about Keating Custom Abutment, visit the Keating Custome Abutments page.

Custom UCLA Abutments

The custom UCLA implant abutment is perfect for single-unit anterior crowns. Our lab can create this to match the adjacent teeth for the ideal amount of aesthetics. This works well with e.max crowns when there is minimal room. When the patient needs a canine replaced, the custom UCLA dental implant would be a great option. The lab technician can also add gingiva if required.

Zirconia Abutment

We offer custom abutments for color matching of the crown. Sometimes you need a material that will block out light or hide the implant. Zirconia abutments are great because they don’t include metal, and you can get translucent like a crown without losing aesthetics. We offer this type of abutment from Nobel Biocare and Atlantis. You can also ask for zirconia abutments with an IPS e.max crown. The zirconia abutment is still very durable and recommended for specific cases.

Gold-Hue Abutment

Sometimes gold-hue abutments are wanted from patients seeking gum retention and allergic to other materials. We can create semi-precious gold crowns that look great, and patients love them. Although we do a lot of titanium abutments and bars top with zirconia crowns, we offer gold options for clients interested in gold.

Titanium Abutment

This, of course, is our most asked abutment because of its longevity and strength. We also have an affordable titanium abutment option that favors our zirconia and porcelain fused to metal products, and that is our KDL Abutment priced at $399 with all including parts: All our prices for implant products include labor, soft tissue model, implant analog, clinical screw, final crown, and abutment. Our titanium abutments can combine with most of our crown materials. We work with all major systems.


Implant Special Offer

Keating Dental Lab is now offering 50% off your following five implant-supported restorations, saving up to $997.50. This offer is for dentists who never sent Keating Dental Lab implant restorations and are looking to try us out. The request turns out to be $199 per crown (regularly priced at $399), which is a great deal to get you started. The offer includes Keating Custom Abutments and your KDZ Bruxer or KDZ Bruxer Aesthetic restorations. However, there is no minimum purchase. You can save 50% on as few as one unit. This offer is valid for new or current customers, and the offer ends on August 31, 2022.


Please call our office to get started at (800) 433-9833.


Written by Kyle Keating
New Business Development

Keating Dental Lab
P: 1 (800) 433-9833
A: 16881 Hale Ave, Irvine, CA 92606
W: E: [email protected]



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