Dr. Timothy Elloway, DDS is our guest on this very personal episode of the Dental Up Podcast. We talk to Dr. Elloway and get his thought process and first-hand experience on the Paradise Wild Fire Disaster that happened earlier this month. Unlike our other episodes, this episode has no structure, no questions,
just a one-on-one conversation between Shaun Keating and Dr. Elloway.
For more information on Dr. Elloway check out his website at https://www.dentistparadiseca.com
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Host: Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Dental Up Podcast, brought to you by Keating Dental Lab, a full service, award-winning dental laboratory. Each week, you’ll learn tips and techniques from real world dentists, bringing you in-depth interviews, motivating stories, current events, and sports. Here is your host, Shaun Keating.
Shaun Keating: Hey, everyone, Shaun here. Welcome to another episode of the Dental Up Podcast. Our guest this week is a graduate from Loma Linda University School of Dentistry. He prides himself on adapting to new advances in both technique and technology, staying current with today’s optimal dental care procedures. Currently practices from Paradise, California, please welcome Dr. Timothy Elloway, DDS. How’s it going, Dr. Elloway?
Dr. Elloway: I’m a blessed guy, Shaun.
Shaun Keating: Yes, you are.
Dr. Elloway: Yeah. It used to be Paradise, it isn’t anymore probably.
Shaun Keating: That’s just such a trip. For all you people that don’t know, you should know, one of the worst fires in the history of the United States is right up in northern California from us, where Dr. Elloway lives and his dental practice is. Man, we’ve been in touch since it went off last week. Dude, thank God you’re here, and your wife and your family, you guys made it out. Tell me a little bit about what went on in your last week here. Just amazing footage we see in the news and on the papers on the whole thing about Paradise and the history of it. What a devastation that has hit you guys. I mean, over a thousand people are still missing. I know you and your wife just traveled down to be with some relatives down in Long Beach here. I know we’ve had you at the lab numerous times, different seminars here, and it’s just great to see you. But, it’s greater to see you alive and everything else. There’s so many people that have lost their lives and so many are unaccounted for. But, tell me a little bit about what went on, and tell me about your practice if you could.
Dr. Elloway: About the practice, I have a small rural practice, four operatories, very small staff. Decided to do the country life instead of the city life. Lived down here in the southland and wanted a little slower pace. Been up there since 1989, basically starting my 30th year in 2019.
Dr. Elloway: The day the fire happened, I was in a Rotary Board Meeting in the morning, and about midway through the meeting, my wife started sending me pictures off our back deck. The fire had started, it was about six to eight miles from town. As soon as I knew it was starting, I went down to my office and I told my staff to evacuate. Fortunately, everything I do is on the Cloud, we’re chartless. They said, “What do we do?” I said, “Take pictures of my diplomas and get out of dodge.” I told the first patient who was ready for his endo, he was gonna have the good fortune of not getting that tooth worked on today. I told my wife to go home, and I said, “If we lose cell service, I’ll meet you at a given location called Butte Meadows, north of our town,” evacuating the correct way out of the fire, where the fire was going away from instead of to, we went north.
Dr. Elloway: At that point, we started to pack a few of the most precious mementos, photos, wedding albums, that sort of thing. Went through and did a video inventory of our house and our gust house, and prepared to flee. We knew that at this certain point, we’d been through numerous fires and evacuations before, but I knew this one was really coming. We’ve got some pictures of our house with the smoke and flames coming behind, that you would not believe.
Shaun Keating: I bet.
Dr. Elloway: So we evacuated. Fortunately, I have a cabin that’s totally off-grid in the High Sierra, that’s where we ran to.
Shaun Keating: How many miles is that from town probably?
Dr. Elloway: It’s probably about 70, 80 miles the long way. We had to take a torturous route to get there, but by the time we got there … and the power was all out up the canyon, so we couldn’t purchase gas.
Shaun Keating: Oh, geez.
Dr. Elloway: We invited our next door neighbors to escape with us. We told them, “If you can go down to Chico, great. But, you have an open door at our cabin,” and they came with us and spend a couple days.
Shaun Keating: Oh, good.
Dr. Elloway: Unfortunately, their house didn’t make it.
Shaun Keating: Yeah. A lot of them didn’t, and I can see, even with the pictures you sent with your office, your office actually made it, but everything around it burned. I mean, it seemed like. There’s a business 15 feet away from you that completely got gutted.
Dr. Elloway: And the whole block is pretty much that same way.
Shaun Keating: Yeah. You were telling me something about you seen a neighbor, or someone seen someone, they were leaving and their car got engulfed. I mean-
Dr. Elloway: That was my front office gal, called her dad and as he was evacuating he saw the neighbor’s car get engulfed and the neighbors didn’t make it.
Shaun Keating: Oh, man. That is just so nuts. I mean, I’m reading to where … I read today, I mean, it’s in the paper everyday here, and I read like three different papers. I read the Times, the Register, and the Wall Street Journal, and it’s covering them all. I mean, between the fire you guys had, and then there’s one up in Malibu, I think one’s called the camp fire, one’s another one, I’m not sure of the name. But, it’s just something with the one in Paradise, it was something they’re reading about today that they narrowed the entry. There’s only one way in and one way out, and they narrowed it down, and their people are kind of going, “Why did we do that?” Is there something behind that? Tell me a little bit about that, what they’re talking about on the narrowing and-
Dr. Elloway: Well, the town had a road that was pretty beat up, and they’d had a high incidence of pedestrian car incidents in town, so we were trying to look for a way to create an environment that would slow the traffic. They created angle parking and added bulb-outs for handicap crossing, to make the sidewalks all ADA compliant.
Shaun Keating: Okay.
Dr. Elloway: That was a good thing, they thought. They may be rethinking that in the future.
Shaun Keating: Yeah, just to get out of kind of closed up the vein to get in and out, I guess. That’s just nuts. We have a place here in Irvine, and we had fires years ago, like 20 years ago. There was a place called Turtle Rock, and there’s only one way in and one way out of the neighborhood of thousands of homes. I think they rethought it and gave some arteries to get out of there. You hear it in all these music venues, or these bars, where they’re throwing a couple hundred people. I mean, it happened way back in the day up in Boston area, I think, Maine, where I think Great White was playing. But, there’s no exit for the people, and I think the same thing with the town. I was just trying to think in my head, if I was in the situation up there where everything was on fire, I got a bunch of motorcycles and everything, I was thinking, “I’d just get on a motorcycle, get my way out.” But then, I’m thinking, the breathing, I probably couldn’t breathe being out exposed. If you’re in your car at least.
Shaun Keating: But, just how you trample over people to get out of an exit of a fire. I can imagine with all the cars trying to get out. You just try to put yourself in it, and it scares the [inaudible 00:07:19] out of you, it really does. It hit home close with me, because we got in touch right away with you, because we knew, “Hey, freaking Elloway is up in Paradise, dude.” We got all these cases in our lab for you and it’s like, you can’t practice now, man. What are you … How’s that gonna work? Tell me a little bit about what’s gonna go forward for you now?
Dr. Elloway: Well, first of all, the real tough thing is watching patients’ names on the missing list. My staff are heartbroken. We’re seeing names of favorite patients that we do not know whether they’re around or not. That’s the waiting and watching. Sorry, I’m gonna tear up here.
Shaun Keating: That’s okay.
Dr. Elloway: I’ve already leased a practice in Chico, I got right on it. I’ve got equipment guys working on getting me supplied. As soon as we can get in and get our supplies from our Paradise office that we need, our computers, etc., we’ll get things up and running. But, it’s gonna be a process. The patients escaped. Most of them that are gonna stay in the area are most likely in Chico, it’s the nearest neighborhood town. But, I mean, that place looks like Kabul, Afghanistan in the middle of war because there’s just so many temporary facilities, and people, and streets are crowded. Every single area you go there’s a line, and it’s overwhelmed.
Shaun Keating: I bet.
Dr. Elloway: So it’s gonna be a slow process. Fortunately, I have money tucked away in a couple places that I can cover myself. I have good insurance. We’re working with the adjusters. I’m blessed. I didn’t lose everything.
Shaun Keating: Yeah.
Dr. Elloway: So to reiterate, we’ll be down the hill with … I doubt that Paradise will have viable large-scale dental practices for the near foreseeable future.
Shaun Keating: Oh, I bet.
Dr. Elloway: Until there’s a population base to serve there.
Shaun Keating: How many dentists are in Paradise about, do you know?
Dr. Elloway: 10, 12, in rough numbers. Two or three of us had practices that survived.
Shaun Keating: I see the few practices and the few buildings that survived, but all the people now, I mean, how’s that gonna work with all … It’s just tough. How many people is the population in Paradise about?
Dr. Elloway: 25,000 in town.
Shaun Keating: Oh, that’s big.
Dr. Elloway: And then up the town, the neighboring town of Miguel, which is a sister town, is 15,000. The whole ridge is around 50,000-
Shaun Keating: That’s quite a bit.
Dr. Elloway: … with the outlying areas. Yeah.
Shaun Keating: To have it all … That’s just unbelievable. How far is Chico down the hill from you guys?
Dr. Elloway: Nine miles from my practice location. I’m at the bottom of town on the arterial there. It’s not that big of a move in terms of geography, but the scary thing is, is knowing what amount of the practice is gonna be left from here. We’ll work it out.
Shaun Keating: You got a good attitude for sure. I know you guys were having a hard time a week ago at this time. I talked with you and your wife, I mean, I talked to you where you were off the grid, up in your cabin, and we somehow got some service, and I talked to you for like an hour last week. It was just devastating what you’re going through. But, with everyone else, and just not knowing, and especially too, where you have … I remember, every big thing, I remember with Katrina, we had a lot of … We didn’t have a lot, we had several doctors that were really affected. They were in Gulfport, Mississippi, but a lot in New Orleans area, but the whole Katrina … Several practices were really affected really bad, but then also, having patients that passed away on it. That’s just so tough man, to see that.
Shaun Keating: I remember one thing that really stuck with me, what you said to me was, “We’re just hoping that some of these people were kind of going maybe on vacation, or going out of town, they didn’t really tell anybody.” For all the people that are missing, there’s a hope that some people went and didn’t tell people that we’re leaving and this, that, and that. That’s the kind of bit of hope that you have, there’s still some hope left that maybe that happened. I could see that. I would stick with that for awhile, if it’s a loved one and you’re not sure. I don’t know, it’s just tough.
Shaun Keating: But, man, thoughts and prayers with you guys. Whatever we can do as lab to help you, that’s a given, man. We’ll do whatever on your lab work, whatever you need. If you need to pay us in a couple of years until you get your stuff going, just let me know and we’ll help in any way. There’s just so much more to life than the stuff we worry about day-to-day. It can change in just an instant. Just stay positive somehow, stay positive. It’s good to have you down here. So where are you at now? You’re in Long Beach? Is that your brother’s house or your brother-in-law?
Dr. Elloway: Sister-in-law and brother-in-law. Yeah. We had planned flights down for Thanksgiving as it was, we already were planning on being here. We also had my wife’s brother, who practices in Saipan, is meeting us here and planned to, we were having family Thanksgiving, what’s left of us. He evacuated from Saipan, US possession that had a typhoon, so we’re swapping stories of who bested who in their survival stuff.
Shaun Keating: Wasn’t that recently?
Dr. Elloway: Yeah, about a month ago.
Shaun Keating: About a month ago they had some big typhoon.
Dr. Elloway: The worst that’s ever hit a US territory. The highest category. So I’m a blessed guy, that’s the bottom line. I’m a lucky guy to have wonderful staff, great patients. Just because the location isn’t accessible or whatever, unbelievable, the patients calling me, my colleagues. I had an ex-front desk person that I let go and fired, calls me from Virginia and checks on, and had a big apology of what she had done to deserve being let go. But, people from all over checking in and offering me, “Here, take my motor home.” I’ve had multiple employment offers, “Come associate with me, help me out.” Big net of caring people. That’s the amazing thing that I’ve seen in this whole thing is, when people really are down and out, people step up and there are just some wonderful people out there. I just say incident after incident in Chico and in town, of people just literally taking the coat off their back and offering help, offering money, and that sort of thing.
Shaun Keating: It really does. I’ve read and heard about different people coming up and helping. Even to, the prayer can go far for a lot of people, so pray for these people. Pray for the ones that are lost, pray for the ones that have been affected, because that can go really far, especially in times of need like this. We’re all one race, the human race, and we gotta comfort each other. When you see stuff like this, man, it just … You don’t think it’s ever gonna happen to you. You see that on TV all the time when something happens drastically to a person or a family, they don’t think it’s ever gonna happen to them. But, anything in a heartbeat can happen instantly. You just gotta have that faith and just … Gosh, it’s just kind of crazy.
Shaun Keating: It’s so good to see you, and I just know how hard it was for you when it was going down, and all the other people. But, I’m so thankful to see you here healthy. We will, this too shall pass. We’re here to help you any way we can. Gosh, it’s just … I remember thinking about this, you’re gonna come in and I was thinking, “Man, I’ve never done a podcast like this. It’s usually we’re talking about, “Hey, man, you went to Loma Linda, I do Loma Linda’s VA work.”” Have you been to Loma Linda lately?
Dr. Elloway: Yeah. It’s just growing like crazy.
Shaun Keating: It is such a … They redid they whole dental building. It’s just like state-of-the-art. Then, I think that the super huge new VA hospital being built right now. It’s unbelievable what used to be, probably back when you went to school, it’s been 30 years now, huh?
Dr. Elloway: Yeah. My son lives in Redlands, so I get out there quite often.
Shaun Keating: Okay.
Dr. Elloway: Pretty familiar, and I get down for the annual CE stuff in February that we do.
Shaun Keating: Your kids are a little bit older now, so not a problem with … Well, they were probably worried [inaudible 00:15:53].
Dr. Elloway: Oh, they were. Then, they’ve been … Any bit of news that they can send to help us, FEMA stuff, and that sort of thing, they’ve been piping it toward us.
Shaun Keating: So what practice did you … How did you work out to where you could get in down in Chico? I’m sure a lot of those dentists are probably looking for somewhere to practice, huh?
Dr. Elloway: Monday after the fire started, was on a Thursday, I emailed a former colleague that had retired in November, was retired and his space was available. So I called him and I said, “Hey, what’s the name of your landlord? Is that space available?” And he said, “Yeah.” So I called the guy. But, before I could get back into town, I had to wait until some travel restrictions were allowing me to get a roundabout way about four hours to get to Chico. Before I got there, that practice had already leased, but I was on the list with the leasing agent to look at two other practices. She told me, “I’m gonna show you two practices. If you want either one, you have to make a deal on the spot. No second looks, because there are five people behind you waiting for a practice location.”
Shaun Keating: Oh, I bet.
Dr. Elloway: Fortunately, that one had gone, we looked at one that was way too large, because we feel that our patient volume may not be high enough to justify a large facility initially. The second one we went to, we looked everything over, and we kind of checked out and talked as a staff, and we decided that it was a go.
Shaun Keating: Beautiful.
Dr. Elloway: Went up and talked to the leasing agent a little bit, We all did a group hug, my staff, the leasing agent, and us, and we’re almost in tears. Guess who our first new patient is?
Shaun Keating: Who? You?
Dr. Elloway: The unnamed leasing agent.
Shaun Keating: Oh, you’re kidding?
Dr. Elloway: Yeah. She says, “I’m not going to this person, I’m gonna come to you guys.” So already got a new patient out of it.
Shaun Keating: Look at that. That’s awesome. Well, that’s neat how that worked together pretty quickly. Gosh, unbelievable.
Dr. Elloway: Yep. Painters are coming in on December 1st, and we’re gonna rehab. It’s a little tired, so we’re gonna rehab the thing, get it nice, crisp, and and clean. As soon as we can get our equipment moving down, got a great equipment guy down here in Irvine that I’m gonna talk to in Fountain Valley actually, and he’s gonna do some install, and probably fill me in with some other equipment temporarily.
Shaun Keating: Oh, beautiful.
Dr. Elloway: The practice had X-ray heads were intact, overhead lights, one chair, and sterilization units and assisting units.
Shaun Keating: No kidding.
Dr. Elloway: Pretty easy in-fill. Just get some chairs in and get our equipment in, ChemoClave, and all that, and get going.
Shaun Keating: Well, you can go into my op here in [inaudible 00:18:39], you’ve been there and seen over the shoulder. Take whatever you need man, seriously. We don’t have anything coming up for a few months, but if you see something you like, hand pieces or whatever, go and check it out. I’m serious. You never know, man.
Dr. Elloway: We’ll see. Yeah.
Shaun Keating: Whatever can help you out, man. For sure.
Dr. Elloway: Well, I sure appreciate your support in this. One thing I’ve always really appreciated about your place here, is that you don’t do business with a company, you do business with a friend, and with a relationship. That’s one of the things I’ve appreciated the most, because you personally know the docs and your customer service is above all, I’ve never seen a lab with anything close to you customer service.
Shaun Keating: Wow, thank you so much. You just try to treat people like you want to be treated. Just like you, I feel like you’re my brother. I mean, we’ve been together only a few times in our life, but I feel for you, but I just … I love your soul and the way you are. We have a lot of doctors that are like that, there’s a lot of people out there that’s got good hearts, and wanna do the good deed. That’s what it’s all about. Yesterday is history and tomorrow’s a mystery, baby. We got today. Just today, man.
Dr. Elloway: Count your blessings, baby.
Shaun Keating: I do. I do every day. Especially after talking to you, man. You sit there and truly count your blessings, and just I’m very thankful. I’m thankful for you coming on in here and whatever we can do to help you out, to help with your situation, we’re here for you for sure. We’ll do another podcast after you get going and we’ll talk about your whole history and all the stuff. We’ll just talk a bunch of dental. We’ll talk sports, we’ll talk about … I know you love to fish, your brother’s gotta Bertram like I got.
Dr. Elloway: Yeah.
Shaun Keating: Your brother-in-law. I can’t believe how much you fish like you do. Heck, we got the boat ready for you. You’re here for a few weeks, so if you wanna get out, I’ve got my crew out and we’ll get you out there on the water for sure. It’s a little cold out there, but there’s some bottom fish, some [inaudible 00:20:45], and who knows what’s out there. I know there’s a lot of fish, but it’s just you gotta get out there and get on it.
Dr. Elloway: Yeah, we saw sea bass down there a couple weeks ago.
Shaun Keating: Oh, you’re kidding.
Dr. Elloway: Yeah.
Shaun Keating: Yeah, those are the big slugs. We love the white sea bass. Those are fun to catch. We catch those black sea bass, but those are illegal. You ring those up and you’re like, “Ruh roh, better put it down.”
Dr. Elloway: Love some mackerel too.
Shaun Keating: Yeah. Holy mackerel. I always say that, because we need the mackerel for the marlin. We use that for bait, and just … Yeah, it’s fun times. A lot of guys don’t fish out in the winter and stuff, but we do. We go all season long, just every season is a different species. I don’t even know how to tie a hook, but my guys do it all. They say, “Shaun,” they could tell when it tugs. You’re 200 feet down and they could tell you exactly what kind of fish it is, I don’t know how they do that. With me, I’m like a little kid with a grab bag, every time that fish comes as it gets closer, you’re like, “What is it? What is it?” It’s like, “Yeah.” It’s just such a neat thing. I like to throw the fish back. I’m not a big fish eater, but I mean, you can deep fry some fish and chips. I love that. I don’t know, it’s just weird, I’m not a big fish guy. But, it’s fun stuff. But, if you need to get on out, man, you just let me know.
Shaun Keating: I had a doctor on here a couple weeks back, and she was saying, “Oh, my dad used to take me to fish, and my dad passed away and we have his ashes.” I said, “You can use my boat,” because I know quite a few funerals that up and spread the ashes out in the ocean. She took me up on it the next day, she was like, “Shaun, I’d love to use that boat.” So she brought about 15 of her family and friends and they took the boat out. She just was very thankful, and how it was just a beautiful, beautiful, and my crew … Just like here, they’re just real good people. Whatever I have to help out, so if you wanna get on there and get out. Does your wife like to get out on the water too?
Dr. Elloway: Oh, she loves the water. She’s not too much into the fishing, but she enjoys water. She enjoys boating.
Shaun Keating: You can put her up on that crow’s nest 80 feet up in the air. Let her sit up there with binoculars and look for some [inaudible 00:22:48].
Dr. Elloway: Yeah, she’ll have good cell service up there.
Shaun Keating: Yeah, it’s crazy. Well, Dr. Elloway, our thoughts and prayers are with you, your family, and everyone that has been affected, man.
Dr. Elloway: I appreciate it.
Shaun Keating: I just can’t thank you enough for all that you do with us. But, man, good to see you here, and good to see you alive and kicking. Whatever we can do to help, man, please let us know. But, thanks again for coming onboard with the Dental Up Podcast.
Dr. Elloway: Glad to do it. I’ll take the Rams for by 10 in the Super Bowl. And our Seahawks, almost had you two games. We had you on the ropes, but you guys took it.
Shaun Keating: We should’ve lost that game. That was, yeah, that was a tough one there. But, what a game on that Monday night.
Dr. Elloway: It was killer. You guys, you thought you were gonna lose, didn’t you?
Shaun Keating: I did. I totally did. I’m like, “This is it.” The last one with the ball was gonna get it, but then my homies, dude, he kind of choked a little bit towards the end a little bit. But, it was a great thing. They’re still saying how New Orleans is the top team. I think it was a godsend that they beat us, because that just makes you better. Its just exciting to watch football like that again. I mean, I thought KC, man, they’re just fun to watch, very exciting. Their fans are so passionate. It’s a neat thing for the NFL to get back into an offensive scoring. Kind of like in baseball, they need to juice that ball to … let’s get more homers and more runs, instead of these two to one ball games. I mean, that score, that football game was like a basketball game kind of, it was 51 to 54.
Dr. Elloway: And Russell’s done so many last two minute drill, where he’s come back from behind to take it, so you never know.
Shaun Keating: Exactly. He’s a stud. Pete Carroll, I love Pete Carroll, he’s a great coach.
Dr. Elloway: I went to a bar in Long Beach to watch a Seahawks game, and everybody was watching the Seahawks down there, because they’re Carroll fans. I couldn’t believe it. I’m also a fan of Aaron Rodgers because he’s a Chico native.
Shaun Keating: Oh, you’re kidding.
Dr. Elloway: So the Seahawks are first, but the team up in Green Bay, the cheese heads, we do like, because Aaron is a hometown product. His dad’s a chiropractor in Chico.
Shaun Keating: Oh, you’re kidding, how cool is that.
Dr. Elloway: Yeah.
Shaun Keating: I had an old football, our trainer, he went to Chico. He’s just the nicest guy. I just remember part of my life, four years in high school, he’s the big guy in Chico back in the day, that was back in the ’70s.
Dr. Elloway: Was that Rigsby?
Shaun Keating: No, his name was Kurt Reilly, he went to school and became athletic trainer through college there. But, his first job was at Westminster High School here in Orange County, he was our trainer. I remember I got in trouble. I did a thing where I carved my initials, SK44 on the brand new training table. I got swats. I did a little video, it was kind of stupid. I did an animation … We should put that out, David, my producer. We should put that out, it was kind of a little skit. Not a skit, it was part of a podcast I did way back, and I talked about this trainer and on the board, and I actually got swatched from the athlete director, Coach Davis. Put padding in my shorts and stuff, like little towels and stuff, and I put my bun huggers around it. So I kind of had a bigger bum than usual, I think he kind of knew it, because the first one I’m like, “Oh,” and he kind of knew that I was kind of faking a little bit. So then he did it again, and he went over to the edge a little bit, so it kind of got the edge of my butt cheek and my thigh, and I felt that. I screamed like a little girl, I was like, “Ahh.” But, yeah, so I did do these little animations, kind of like Joe Rogan, do you ever see his-
Dr. Elloway: Oh, yeah.
Shaun Keating: He’s funny as heck on his little podcast that he does. He did an animation once, I said, “Hey, let’s get …” So my guys got these animation guys and they did it. I don’t know, it was like … After I did it, I go, “Not as funny as I thought it was, but …” He said, “Well, you should do it. I mean, you should put it out there just for shits and giggles, right?”
Dr. Elloway: I hope you weren’t in tights.
Shaun Keating: No, they made me go into the shower and clean it with a toothbrush too afterwards. I got in trouble a whole period, they made me stand there and clean the shower tile flowers, man. They can’t do that stuff nowadays. Buck ass naked I was there. No, I think I had my whatever. Okay, I’ll shut up. Well, Dr. Elloway, man, good to see you. Thank you so much. Man, we’re here for you. Just stay positive, we’ll get through this. Man, we really gonna be rooting for you, and just getting your practice rolling again, and just everyone else up there … A lot of people don’t realize, probably didn’t really know Paradise. A lot of you guys .. I mean, it’s kind of a secret out there. A lot of people went up there through the years, and found Paradise basically, it’s just so beautiful. It’s just beautiful and a lot of people went out there, I’ve never really heard of it, but I think everyone in the world will know about Paradise now going forward. Hopefully, it’ll all come together, and they can rebuild it, just really bring it back to where it was, and if not, even better. I think everything happens for a reason, I think it’s gonna be even bigger and better in the future, and that’s what I’m hoping for, for sure.
Dr. Elloway: Yeah, we’re working on that. I’m on a Board that is oversight to the town that is advisory. We’re already scheduling a meeting next week.
Shaun Keating: Beautiful.
Dr. Elloway: So we’re starting the process of envisioning what the next steps are.
Shaun Keating: Absolutely. No, that’s awesome. We should get you running for mayor, I’ll support, I’ll back your mayor run. We’ll be the silent partner.
Dr. Elloway: You gotta be on the town council, and I’m actually not a resident of the town, so I’m off the list. But, they’re trying to pitch me for Rotary President.
Shaun Keating: Wow, you’re kidding.
Dr. Elloway: Yeah, for the next 2019. But, we’ll see if a club exists up there. We’re gonna figure it out. We’ll reform down in Chico probably.
Shaun Keating: Beautiful. Dr. Timothy Elloway, thank you so much for coming on the podcast today, man. Thanks again. I love you man, and we’ll talk real soon.
Dr. Elloway: Thanks for everything, Shaun.
Shaun Keating: You got it, baby. All right. Bye bye.
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