A Conversation on Establishing a strong Work-Life Balance with Dr. Ivan Chicchon, DDS


Our guest this week Dr. Ivan Chicchon, DDS sits down with Shaun Keating and discusses the sometimes-hard task of having a well-defined work-life balance. They talk about Dr. Chicchon’s Entrepreneurial style of work ethic and how he’s been able to create a very successful online business venture, publish a book and take care of his family all at the same time. Dr. Chicchon goes more in-depth on the origin of and his book, which helps dentists get introduced into the world of Dental Implants. You will hear all this and more on this week’s episode of the dental up podcast!

In this Episode you will hear about:
-The Importance of Self-Evaluation
-What fueled Dr. Chicchon’s Drive and passion in becoming an Entrepreneur.
-The Inspiration behind
-Recommendations and tips for those looking to get into dental implants.
-The power of a well-structured sales letter.

For more information on Dr. Chicchon and his book please check out the
Following links down below!

[bg_collapse view=”link” expand_text=”View Full Transcript” collapse_text=”Hide Transcript” ] Host: Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Dental Up podcast brought to you by Keating Dental Lab, a full-service award-winning dental laboratory. Each week you’ll learn tips and techniques from real world dentists. Bringing you in-depth interviews, motivating stories, current events and sports. Here’s your host, Shaun Keating. Shaun Keating: Hey, everyone. Shaun here. Welcome to another episode of the Dental Up podcast. Our guest this week graduated from the University of the Pacific, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry. He is a surgical prosthodontist who completed his specialty training at the University of Michigan and is the man behind Shaun Keating: Currently practicing from Stockton, California. Please welcome Dr. Ivan Chicchon, DDS. How’s it going? Dr Chicchon? Dr. Chicchon: Thanks for having me on, Shaun. Shaun Keating: Ah dude, thank you so much. I know you’re offsite from your office, in Seattle and stuff, so man, I thank you for taking the time talking on this. But you know I always start off talking a little bit about sports, but first off, I just want to wish my son Kyle a happy birthday. He was born 9/11/84, the big 35 today and he was born on 9/11. Shaun Keating: And I’d also like to send out all the prayers to all the firefighters and police and everyone that lost their lives and everyone that helped out in that 9/11 tragedy back in 2001. Shaun Keating: 18 years, I think it is now. But thoughts and prayers out to all those people and happy birthday to my son. But no, I can’t thank you enough, man. Like I said, talked a little bit about sports. What about Michigan? You did a little college in Michigan. So are you a Wolverine fan at all or you? Dr. Chicchon: Yeah, so I actually, I spent three years out there and I never went to a single football game. Oh my gosh, I’m super embarrassed about that. But I’m actually going back, they asked me to go back to Michigan, end of this month. Dr. Chicchon: And so they bought me a football ticket, a ticket to the game. So I’ll be going to see my first football game out in the big house. That said, though, I actually don’t follow sports. I don’t watch any TV really, except if it’s with my family. So yeah. Shaun Keating: No, that’s a good thing. Dr. Chicchon: I’m not really a sports guy. Shaun Keating: I got a lot of dentists that aren’t really into sports and stuff like that. A lot of people aren’t. I mean, I’m just a knucklehead that kind of loves it. I mean, you could put a six pack and a pizza in front of me and I can watch sports all day on the TV. Shaun Keating: But then again, I’m not like everyone else, but there’s probably a lot of dudes like me back in the Midwest and all these other places that like to sit around, drink beer, and watch sports. Shaun Keating: But nah, that’s all good. Nah man, this is a two big, 177 podcasts and our September 3rd, which was last week, this is 9/11. Today is Tuesday. Our podcast will come on Thursday, but September 3rd was our 17th year anniversary of me being in business on our own lab. And you know, I’m just really proud of it. It’s just a amazing journey. Shaun Keating: We’ve had 17 years of making teeth and we’ve made over a million teeth and had over a ton of sales and it’s just a blessed thing, man. I just can’t believe it. I worked for another company, a dental lab, for 17 years and now here, since I’ve left, I’ve been at my own company for 17 years and it’s just a trip man. Dr. Chicchon: I can understand that dentists might not be the easiest people to work with sometimes, because sending stuff back or being unhappy with your work sometimes. I don’t know. I can just imagine the whole customer service situation, and I can appreciate that being a dental lab is not easy. Shaun Keating: Oh, it’s tough. It is. And it’s just something, there’s a lot of pressure on both sides, but when we don’t hit a shade or we don’t grab that margin where it’s supposed to be or something, whatever the reason was. Shaun Keating: It’s stressful on both ends, but especially with the dentist and the chair with the patients. And there’s nothing worse than that. And I know that. I’ve done this 35 years now and it’s just like, it’s a tough thing, you know? Shaun Keating: But when you do it right, it’s really rewarding, but it can be very stressful and you try to work through it. Heck, I had a longtime client yesterday, I got on the phone. He called me on my cell, “Shaun, what’s going on, man? I had this patient came in for a custom shade, everything” Shaun Keating: And it’s like a three unit bridge, like a four to seven or sixth, what was it, four to seven four, five, six, seven. It was four unit bridge. And that’s kind of tough when you start getting in the anterior segment as a natural dentition. Shaun Keating: When you go into, he wanted a PFM and then we’re like, you know, maybe we’ll switch it up to an all ceramic and we did maybe an ultra. And so we’ve got a custom shade and it just wasn’t right. Shaun Keating: And you know, he was like just concerned, this patient came in and everything else. And it’s tough sometimes. I mean, it just, it’s so hard. And so I think he’s going around the horn, now he’s going to go four through 11 or four through 12 and I just. Shaun Keating: But even the little things, little single here and there, but more so. Yeah, it’s just things happen sometimes. And some doctors, they get really, really wound up and they’re wound pretty tight and some doctors are pretty laid back. Shaun Keating: And it’s just tough when you have a patient, too. How the patient in the chair and what their demeanor is and all that. Dr. Chicchon: Exactly. Shaun Keating: It’s so hard and I’m just so glad that I just worked all these years on stone models, you know? And it’s just something. That’s why it’s just so different with dentists, when you have the patients in your chair and you have to deal with them. Shaun Keating: And when it doesn’t go right the first time, man, it’s not good. But we’re about 97% you know, 98% almost, success rate on every restoration that goes and leaves our laboratory and it’s pretty good. Shaun Keating: But hey, 2% is still too many, but there’s a lot of variables that can happen. And we’re blessed that we’re as good as we are and as little as remix as we have. But we feel it for the doctor and the patient. Believe me. Shaun Keating: Everyone here, we do the crowns like they’re going in our own mouth and go on the interweb and we’ve had that before, with we get a lot of success and a lot of praise for our work and then we’ll get a case here and there that is just not up to specs and it’s just hard. Shaun Keating: It’s hard and we take it to heart. A lot of people don’t. And maybe they do. I just know us here. We, all our employees. We really love what we do and we really want it to succeed the first time. Shaun Keating: But, you know, it’s just something every day and every day. You’re only as good as your last restoration, for us. I mean, we’ve done so much great work through the years, but hey, every day is game day here and every day is a new patient. Shaun Keating: And we have to give that same attention to detail and to every single new patient and not rest on our laurels of what we’ve done in the past. So we’re very thankful. We know how hard it is. But let’s go ahead and Dental Up. So tell me, doctor, why did you get into dentistry and at what point did you think, “I want to be a dentist?” Dr. Chicchon: My parents are both dentists. They studied in Peru and they came here, they worked odd jobs until they were able to pass their boards and once they got their licenses, I thought that they were able to go to my field trips. Dr. Chicchon: They were able to participate in my science fair projects and camps and all that stuff and they were able to do the same thing for my siblings. And so I basically just wanted to do the same thing. I wanted to just have that flexibility to set my schedule, or at least that’s what I perceived, you know? Dr. Chicchon: I perceived the dentist as somebody who has a stable job and can set their own schedule and go to their kids’ functions. I decided on it of late, actually, it was like in my last two years of college and so yeah, just did my requirements super fast and I got in. Shaun Keating: No kidding. What was it like in Peru growing up? How old were you when you left Peru, when you came to the United States? Dr. Chicchon: Oh, I was super young. My parents came or they brought me when I was two years old. I was born in Lima, Peru and Peru is just like the most beautiful culturally rich place ever. And it’s got Machu Picchu. Dr. Chicchon: It’s got really amazing food and I’d like to go back more often. I actually took my wife’s back when we got married. We went for a honeymoon and I took her to the Amazon rain forest. Shaun Keating: Oh, you’re kidding. Dr. Chicchon: And she had told me she wants to go to a beach for our vacation, and I interpreted that as going to the Amazon. And she absolutely hated it, because it was just big old bugs. Shaun Keating: Yeah. Dr. Chicchon: Monkeys. It was nuts. I thought it was great, though. Shaun Keating: Oh man, that’s awesome, now Peru is beautiful, man. So tell me a little bit about your college experience here in the states and tell me a little bit about that. If you could. Dr. Chicchon: Basically, like any dentist, college is a spent trying to get into dental school. So I was pretty focused, doing my requirements, trying to get A’s. I went to UOP afterwards, I took a year off before I started UOP, just to get some life experience. Shaun Keating: Okay. Dr. Chicchon: I spent some time designing webpages or I subcontracted somebody in India to design web pages for dentists. I did that for a little while, went to dental school and late in dental school, I decided that I really liked the implant stuff. Dr. Chicchon: So most of the dental students were passing off their implant cases, because it didn’t actually fulfill any requirements. Shaun Keating: Okay. Dr. Chicchon: And so I was never really somebody that pays attention to requirements and things I’ve got to turn in or whatever. I just kind of did what I liked to do. And so I really liked implants and I did a lot of those. Dr. Chicchon: And I decided I want to keep learning more. And so I applied to Michigan for prosthodontics. And so when I told my wife that I was going to finish dental school and finally start our life and finally start making money. Instead, we ended up flying, or actually, driving to Michigan. We did a little road trip out there and stayed for three years. Shaun Keating: No, kidding. Dr. Chicchon: Yeah, a lot of fun. Shaun Keating: How’d she handle that cold weather, man. They got those four seasons. We’re usually, here in California, man. You’re used to summer 300 days. How many days in the year? 365? We’ve got about 340 days of sunshine, but what was it like with those cold, snowy winters? Dr. Chicchon: It was hard. It was, yeah, no kidding. It was really, really hard. Actually, the first year that we were there, the coldest winter in like 15 years or something. It was really nuts. Dr. Chicchon: Difficult to adjust, I’d say, for the winters, but the summers and the fall really, I feel like they almost made up for it, because it’s just so beautiful out there. Shaun Keating: I bet. Dr. Chicchon: And people actually go out and just celebrate that it’s summertime and go do a bunch of stuff in the summer. Shaun Keating: Oh, happy. Dr. Chicchon: I thought that was super cool. I’m actually trying to convince my wife and I’m trying to find a way that I can live out there in the fall and then just live back here, you know, live somewhere else for the winter. Shaun Keating: Yeah, that’s what you do when you get older and rich. You live two months here, you live three months here, you live two months here. And I tell my wife- Dr. Chicchon: I’m trying to do that now, man, I don’t want to wait. Shaun Keating: Yeah, I know. I’m trying to talk to my wife. She’s like, “no, it’s beautiful here, we’re good. You can go visit for a week or two.” But I was “let’s buy something over here.” My wife’s not into that. She goes, “why buy something over in this state or this other country? You’re going to go there once or twice a year and you’re going to have to have all this other upkeep and all the worry and all that.” Shaun Keating: And she goes, “you go rent whatever place you want for a week or two, anywhere you want and just do it that way” and that’s why we’re never going to get ahead with our real estate investments. Shaun Keating: ‘Cause my wife’s like, “nada.” But you know, it’s probably true. But I just see these other dudes that they get these other rentals and these other places and it’s just like they just reap the benefits of the big real estate boom. Shaun Keating: But I think it’s just so high now, where we’re at in California, and all the, even the commercial real estate and the regular houses. It’s such a high, high number to get into them. I just don’t see you making huge money like the old days. It can only go so high and I think it’s at the top. I think it’s going to drop 10, 20, 30% again in the future because- Dr. Chicchon: That’s the thing. We’re in California right now and we’re paying a premium for where we live and we’re not really living in a glamorous place. I live in central Valley of California where they just stole my parents’ mailbox the other day and they just broke into our office a couple of weeks ago. Dr. Chicchon: I mean it’s not a nice place. We’re still paying a lot ’cause it’s California. Shaun Keating: Yeah, and Stockton’s kind of a tough area, but it’s tough areas everywhere, dude. I mean, here in beautiful Orange County, you go in to parts of Anaheim, right by Disneyland, there’s some of the toughest, baddest gangs in the world. Shaun Keating: Santa Ana, same thing. Parts of all cities throughout the United States. It’s just the human race. It’s just tough, man. Go out to LA Coliseum and you go one block off the track, right there by them, and you better make sure you got a watch know what time it is. ‘Cause if it’s nighttime, you shouldn’t be there, because it’s a bad neighborhood and you don’t want to be caught there. Shaun Keating: But nah, it’s just tough. But I hear you on that. So tell me a little bit about when you got into dentistry after college, did you start off in associate, did you buy a practice? Tell me a little about your journey when you first started working in the dental field. Dr. Chicchon: Sure. Yes. I finished prostadontics in 2016 and I was- Shaun Keating: You’re just a puppy. Good Lord. Dr. Chicchon: It was just recently, just three years ago. Yeah, we hopped in our car and we drove across the country back to California and we actually came with a new one, my wife was pregnant when we were driving back. Dr. Chicchon: And so that was pretty amazing. But I was kind of feeling the pressure, too, to start making an income and start paying my loans. Shaun Keating: Okay. Dr. Chicchon: Because by that point I had been deferring my loans and I got a notification in my email that says your first payment’s going to be automatically withdrawn. You’re going to be withdrawn $9,000 on the 15th or something. Shaun Keating: Oh my gosh. Dr. Chicchon: So that was my first automatic payment , yeah, it was $9,000 bucks. Shaun Keating: Oh, man. Dr. Chicchon: And I didn’t have a job. Right? So I had been building my practice, while I was in Michigan, so I was actually flying back and forth and seeing patients already. Dr. Chicchon: And so that was good to give me some starting income, but I still actually needed a stable job. Right? And so I didn’t know that there weren’t any like job wanted ads for prosthodontists. Dr. Chicchon: There’s not too many people that are hiring them. And so I had to get real creative about about how to find a job. And I would say pretty soon after coming back, we found out that my daughter was going to be born with a condition that was actually life threatening for her, for about a year or a little bit over a year. Dr. Chicchon: And so it was a really unstable time for me to find a job. I couldn’t get very predictable hours, because we had to be available to go to hospital, at any moments notice for an emergency for her. Dr. Chicchon: And so I honestly just tried to find the job that paid the most for the least amount of time. Shaun Keating: Okay. Dr. Chicchon: And so the job that I found was actually going to an office to troubleshoot implants. This doctor had a lot of trouble with the implants that they were placing. And I had to go and try to figure out creative solutions, it was actually with the dental lab. Dr. Chicchon: So the dental lab hooked me up with them. And they said, “doc, we were having a really hard time with this doctor out there. Can you help with their cases so we can actually deliver some of these.” Dr. Chicchon: So that’s what I did and it worked out well for me, for a little while. That was just what I needed, you know? Shaun Keating: That’s awesome. What a nice lab to hook you up like that, man. Dr. Chicchon: Well, yeah, they were friends with me and it worked out good for them, too, so they didn’t lose this doctor. Shaun Keating: Exactly. Now that’s it. We tried to send some doctors to some of the practices that are floundering in a few areas and if they can drop their ego and which they did, it works out really well, because a few things, man, sometimes you just need a few areas to work on and if you can let your ego go and let someone help you, that’s been doing a long time to show you. Shaun Keating: It just makes all the difference in the world, because at the end of the day, the dentist really tries to do what they can, the best they can. And if they can improve in certain areas that they need to and a good dental lab will let them know because a good lab will see a lot of work from all different dentists and they’ll see what works and what doesn’t. Shaun Keating: And it’s kind of a neat thing there. But so tell me a little bit on then with your dental ninja. Let me see here implantninja.Com. Shaun Keating: Where did you get your CE at? Michigan on the implant part or what’s some good places for some of our students and some of the newer dentists starting out that want to go to implants and do implants and go to an implant course. Shaun Keating: What’s some of the places you went to? What’s some advice you could give some of the newer people starting off? Dr. Chicchon: Sure. Yeah. So when I was working at that place, troubleshooting, so I feel like that’s my superpower. Troubleshooting stuff. Cause I’ve been fortunate to get into the position where I can help people troubleshoot a lot of their cases. Dr. Chicchon: And so when my daughter was born, I had to stop working for a little while and I was getting kind of antsy. I needed to do something productive at home. So while she was sleeping I would start to put together my book. Dr. Chicchon: So the book that I put together is called The Implant Ninja All on X Handbook. And it’s a step by step guide for full arch fixed cases. Shaun Keating: All right. Dr. Chicchon: And the reason that I put it together was because I actually couldn’t find good resources for it on my own. When I was in dental school, my instructor actually told me to just look it up on YouTube. Shaun Keating: Okay. That’s a good instructor, yeah, check out YouTube. I hear ya. Dr. Chicchon: Yeah. I had a really hard time piecing it together. So I decided to reach out to some friends, have them send me some pictures of their cases and I will just, I put together a bunch of pictures from my cases and all the tips that I picked up. Dr. Chicchon: And I just laid it out in a really basic and easy to understand way. Instead of getting all fancy and technical and quoting literature. I don’t know. I think it just makes a lot more sense just to put things really clearly. Shaun Keating: Oh, that’s awesome. At such a young age and so new to the dentistry, be doing stuff like that and have your own, you know, Shaun Keating: I mean, you’re doing a lot of over the shoulder programs and you’re bringing people in. It’s just, you’re really pushing it hard at such a young career, you know, for your career being so young and just starting out. That’s awesome. Dr. Chicchon: Well, I think it’s great that it’s been really well received. I’ve gotten orders from all over the world. We sold thousands of copies and it just shows that it’s really helpful. Dr. Chicchon: And so I would say the way that I learned how to place implants was in my residency. I was placing implants and then at night I was actually, I was moonlighting, placing implants at other offices, too. Shaun Keating: Okay. Dr. Chicchon: I’m trying to think of how else, what other recommendations I would have for someone wanting to learn. I would say that there’s a lot of different ways to learn implants and there’s a lot of, you can spend a lot of money, too, trying to learn. Dr. Chicchon: I mean there’s programs that are like $15,000 or there’s even year long programs that are $100,000. Shaun Keating: Yes. Dr. Chicchon: And so I would say that you first have to start with the lowest hanging fruit, rather than spending all your money up front. You’ve got to start with low hanging fruit. Dr. Chicchon: I would say a solid introductory course, maybe not even spend more than a thousand dollars on it. Shaun Keating: Okay. Dr. Chicchon: Just the introductory course that goes over the didactics, that goes over the anatomy and the basic step by step. There’s a couple of online implant courses out there. I would personally recommend looking into an online course first and then moving to a in-person course, because then you have the background to actually go in to apply some of the stuff that you learned. Dr. Chicchon: So I would suggest online course, then a hands on course, on models and then to start on your patients. For all the dentists listening out there, then start on your patients with the simple cases, with number 19, number 30, a number of four or five. Dr. Chicchon: Those are simple cases. Shaun Keating: Okay. Dr. Chicchon: And then just kind of learn as you go. It sounds a little scary, but I mean, that’s what we do with all dentistry. You kind of learn as you go, starting with the easiest cases. Shaun Keating: There you go. No, that sounds good. What are you doing for marketing strategy to drive people to the practice? Anything? Like are you doing any social media or are you working with the public sector? Tell me a little bit about that if you could. Dr. Chicchon: For my practice, I’m honestly not marketing it very much. So just like you mentioned, I’m doing a lot of continuing education and so I’m pushing, I’m marketing hard on that. Shaun Keating: Okay. Dr. Chicchon: I’m not marketing my practice very hard. At first I was going to, I was doing dinners, so I would send out letters to a bunch of dentists, get them to come to a dinner. I’ll do a presentation, buy them dinner, and I would get some solid referrals from them. Shaun Keating: Okay. Dr. Chicchon: But now, what I do to market my practice is I just send out letters and letters have been the best ROI of any marketing strategy I’ve ever done, actually. So I’ll send out 250 letters and from those 250 letters, I’ll get 10 patients that month. Shaun Keating: Gosh. Can you believe that? I send out 20,000 letters a week and I might get one or two, but hey, that one or two, that dude might do 50 grand a year or 20 grand or, it’s tough. But yeah, that’s what I do. I do letters, man, send ’em out. Dr. Chicchon: I think the style of letters is- Shaun Keating: It’s important. Dr. Chicchon: Yeah, it’s important. I’m not mailing them, asking them for their business, I’m mailing them and just kind of telling them my story about me and my wife. I’ll actually include a personal photo in there of me, my wife and my daughter. Dr. Chicchon: Just kind of like an update on our life. And then I’ll do this. At the end of it I’ll say, “Hey, here’s a case that Dr. Smith sent me. Here’s how it turned out. Best wishes.” Dr. Chicchon: You know, so they see, “Oh, okay, Dr. Smith’s sending him a case. That looks pretty good. I’ll send them the case, too.” Shaun Keating: That’s perfect. No, that’s a big thing. And that personal touch just about you. And we’re trying to find our rhythm with our letters, you know, just trying to tell us what we do. But it’s kind of personal, we’re a family run dental lab. Shaun Keating: And it’s just kind of a neat thing. And with you, we’re seeing that, even on your, I think it’s Instagram, so it’s pretty awesome. And that’s, I think, how we found you, too, with just your story and you know, you’re in Seattle right now at some hospital or you’re staying at a place ’cause your daughter’s what? Three, four years old. How old is she now? Dr. Chicchon: Yeah, she, she’s almost three. Shaun Keating: Okay. And yeah, tell us a little bit. I mean it’s just, my heart breaks just seeing the situation she’s in, but what is it she has, and tell me a little bit about, if you don’t mind, we’ll just cut this out or whatever. Shaun Keating: But I was just wondering, gosh, that’s just got to pull your heartstrings for sure. But tell me a little bit about what she’s got going on, if you could. Dr. Chicchon: Sure. It was really tough at first, but she was born with a condition called lymphatic malformation. So basically she’s got a big mass on her neck. And at first, we were even suggested to possibly abort her, because she might not have been able to breathe when she was born. Shaun Keating: Okay. Dr. Chicchon: And so instead we got a lot of different opinions and we found a place that was able to deliver her safely. They actually stuck a tube in her throat before she was born and then they delivered her. Shaun Keating: Oh, you’re kidding. Dr. Chicchon: And so yeah, it was really tough for the first year and a half or so. She had an unstable airway and so for awhile, we weren’t even sure if she’d have like an emergency and not be able to breathe. So, we’ve just done a lot of research and a lot of preparation to handle all these medical emergencies. Shaun Keating: Oh, I bet. Dr. Chicchon: And finally, you know, now she’s almost three, we decided to come out here and get her surgeries done. She’s had surgery before, but this is going to be the big one. Dr. Chicchon: She had one surgery a few days ago and then she’s going to have a second surgery in October. And the one in October is the big one. That’s where they’re going to cut out a lot of what’s in her neck and in her face. Dr. Chicchon: And I think my wife and I have had a long time to kind of wrap our minds around it. So it’s not something that we’re sad about anymore. It’s just something that we’re really determined to help her through. Shaun Keating: Oh, that’s so good. Yeah. Dr. Chicchon: It’s tough, man. It’s tough mentally, just like it’s draining, I would say. Shaun Keating: I bet. Dr. Chicchon: Just having to keep at it, ’cause even though we’re here, work doesn’t stop. I’ve still got to make a monthly income, pay my loans. Shaun Keating: Exactly. Dr. Chicchon: So, yeah, I mean if the finances weren’t an issue or anything, we could take time off and just be with her and whatnot. But reality is we still got to make it happen and we still have to, every time we come out here, we’ve got to pay for the hotel and pay for the whatever, right? Shaun Keating: Yeah. No, everything. Dr. Chicchon: A few thousand bucks. Shaun Keating: And yeah, it’s tough. I mean, what is it? Is it like a tumor or something? Because it’s just, is it a tumor or is it just a mass? What are they? It’s just so sad to see that. Poor little girl, it’s just how is she? Can she talk and everything? Dr. Chicchon: Now, she’s totally like functional. Right? So it doesn’t affect her any way, except for cosmetically, but now she’s starting to feel it, though. You’re right. So now little kids will walk by and point at her. Dr. Chicchon: Kids have pointed at her forever. But now she notices it and she doesn’t like it. She’ll even tell little kids like, “Hey, I don’t care what you think about me. Right, dad?” Shaun Keating: Yeah, yeah. Dr. Chicchon: For sure. Breaks my heart. Shaun Keating: Yeah. So she’s going to grow up to be a strong woman. I bet you. And just, you know, our prayers are going to go out to her for sure. And you know, everything’s going to work out, man. I can just feel it. Shaun Keating: And I just think, nah, that’s just amazing that your attitudes and I think everyone, you just have to have that like that. We sit here, back and look at it and I just, I want to cry and I feel so sad for her and it’s just not, like you said, we’re not, you know, feeling bad about it anymore. Shaun Keating: We’re trying to help and I just see that and it’s just, Ooh, well good for you man. To have such good attitude. You have to, no. Shaun Keating: And again, our prayers are definitely go out for you and your family and her for sure. And October’s coming up, man. That’s a big one. Geez, that’s just a- Dr. Chicchon: Yeah, I’m going to be flying back to my office probably next week or flying back to my house. But basically, like I told you earlier, I pretty much do nothing except for work and family. Right? Dr. Chicchon: So I’m flying back home just to go work a bit and then we’re going to be flying back out here in October, which is just, I mean it’s not too long after that. Shaun Keating: Yeah, it’s coming up. Dr. Chicchon: Over the weekends, I’m flying out over the weekends to go do implant training. I was in Houston last weekend. This weekend I’m going to be in San Antonio, end of the month, I’m going to go to Michigan and then SoCal. Dr. Chicchon: So all these things, I still got to keep hustling. Got to keep my head down and work. Shaun Keating: That’s it. Baby. Dr. Chicchon: So that we can make this happen for everybody. Shaun Keating: That’s what we do. We hustle all day, every day. And you’re a hustler, man. I am, too. I’ve been hustling since I was a little kid and I just love your attitude for so young and such a great outlook. Shaun Keating: And you got a booming practice and a booming business, with the and that’s awesome man. I just, hey, hats off to you. If I could ever do anything on some lab work, help you out a little bit here and there. Let me know man. I’d love to help out in any way. Shaun Keating: And you know, you get a big ass case that maybe I could do for you. Help you out, do it at no charge just to help you. I’m at monthly nut, man to give you a little love there and, and you know, take your little girl. Dr. Chicchon: I appreciate that. Shaun Keating: Help you get her all feeling better and stuff and let me know when you want to come out here. Shaun Keating: We’ll hook you up and set you up and Disneyland and the whole thing and she’ll have a blast, man. But I mean that from the bottom of my heart and such a young gun and you’re doing a good deed. Shaun Keating: And then I see the little family thing and it’s just, ugh, you know. To us, all these people, we have such little problems in life, really think when people, to have such problems. Shaun Keating: I mean, family is just so first for me and for a lot of people in life and just. My boy today, 35. Our other boy is 32. And little kids, little problems, big kids, big problems. I say that, but it’s just, they’re always going to be your children. Even though they’re almost 40 years old, these little guys, but your daughter will be there before you know it. Shaun Keating: And I always say the thing, having boys is great, but when you get older, they’re not going to take care of you. But having daughters, when you get older, the daughters will always take care of their parents, papas. Shaun Keating: You know, it’s just a great thing. But Hey man, I can’t thank you enough for coming on the Dental Up podcast and again, if there’s anything we could do, man, we’d love to help you in any way. Shaun Keating: And God bless you and your family and Dr. Chicchon, you’re the man. We’re going to put all your stuff on our show notes and if people want to reach out and look into some of your programs and stuff, I’d love that. Shaun Keating: I want to help out and anything else, I think that would be a great thing, but man, thanks again. I really, really appreciate it. . Dr. Chicchon: I appreciate it man. Shaun Keating: All right. Dude. Dr. Chicchon: Thanks for having me on. I appreciate it. Let’s stay in touch for sure. Shaun Keating: Absolutely. Thanks again, Dr. Chicchon. Good talking to you. Dr. Chicchon: All right, thanks. Talk to you soon. Shaun Keating: Okay, bye. Bye. Host: Thanks for joining us on the Dental Up podcast show this week. Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter or search the Dental Up podcast on iTunes for our weekly feed. Host: Don’t forget to visit Keating Dental for exclusive offers. Keating Dental Lab is a full service dental laboratory and we’re nationwide. We’d love for you to send us a case, so we can show you the Keating difference. If you dig what you heard, please leave a review on iTunes Host: and we’ll be back next week. [/bg_collapse]


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