On this week’s episode of the Dental Up Podcast our very own Brandon Fetters and Barry McGinnis discuss the most common concerns involving impression that they come across on a daily basis. They share which implant impression provides a better result. How to identify impression issues before your patient leaves the chair and finally they share a few best practices that can help improve overall impression technique. You will hear all this and much more on this week’s episode of The Dental Up Podcast.
On this episode you will hear about:
-Best practices that can improve overall impressions
-How to identify impression concerns and avoid having to recall patients
-Why digital impressions are beneficial
For more information checkout our website: www.keatingdentallab.com
-Information on Clinician’s Choice Trays: https://www.clinicianschoice.com/product/quad-tray-xtreme-impression-tray/
-Information on Ivoclar Vivadent Centric Tray to maintain VDO: https://www.ivoclarvivadent.com/en/p/all/products/removable-denture-prosthetics/auxiliary-materials-for-dentures/centric-tray–
Dentalree.com and for more information on the Knockout® Open Implant Impression Trays
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