Esthetic Dental Material Considerations when placing a dental implant is covered in this 4K Ultra Hd Video Tutorial by Dr. David Hornbrook DDS. The primary goal when you are getting ready to place dental implants is to make sure you have ideal functionionality so that the mouth can chew and eat properly. We want the dental implant crown to look like a natural tooth as well. Keeping that in mind, we may choose different options for our final implant crown restoration.
See Exactly what Dr. Hornbrook Recommends in this Visually Stunning 4K Ultra HD Video Tutorial for Clinicans and Dental Practices on the Best esthetic options for zirconia.
Esthetic Material Options Video Tutorial:
Hello, I’m Dr. David Hornbrook, the clinical director of Education & Technology here at Keating Dental Lab in Irvine, California. Today I want to talk a little bit about the esthetic considerations when we place an implant. The primary goal when you place implants is to make sure we have ideal function so that you can chew and eat properly, and second is that it looks like a natural tooth. We want the implant crown to look like a natural tooth. Keeping that in mind, we may choose different options for our final implant crown restoration. In the back of the mouth where the esthetics may not be as critical as the front of the mouth, we can actually use metal, even gold, or we can use some of the more opaque ceramics like the KDZ Bruxer, which is tooth colored but tends to be a little bit more opaque. We can use those because they’re very, very strong. We may have a little bit of compromise in esthetics because of the lack of translucency, but it’s a great fitting material, it’s affordable, and it looks like a natural tooth, especially in the back of the mouth.
In the front of the mouth where want to optimize esthetics, we prefer to use all ceramic restorations. That can either be screw retained, where the crown is tooth colored, it has a little hole in the back and we screw in the implant, or it could be cemented where we actually put what we call an abutment on the implant. Then we actually cement a tooth colored crown. That gives us optimal control in color and esthetics. Be sure to talk to your dentist about options, again, whether it’s in the back of the mouth or in the front of the mouth. Also where the implant is placed in relationship to adjacent teeth may have some factors in what the final restoration’s going to be. Be sure to ask your dentist about what your options are and what they would prefer in their own mouth.