Denture Lab Product

KDA’s Denture Lab Product Overview Video

Denture Lab Product


November 12 2015 — As I casually stolled into the KDA lab on Wednesday morning I was formally greated by one of my favorite clinicians, Dr. David Hornbrook.  His positive nature mixed with the high energy of the lab floor made for a solid set and stage for the next 4K Ultra HD video in the removable series.  “Wanna learn about how they make dentures?” David intently inquired. I cant lie and say it was #1 on my bucket list, but being a student of all trades and the earth in general, I indulged in this adventure through the very modern and unique Denture Lab at Keating Dental Lab in Irvine, Ca.

Its just some wax with teeth right?

Ok, So what could be so hard about making dentures?   You throw some teeth in some wax and call it a day right?  As I comtimplated the matter at hand, and did an overview and walk around of the Denture lab, I found that there was a lot going on, and in a really spread out area.   I thought at this point I may be eating my words or at the very least maybe shifting perceptions on the intricacy that is “dentures & removables”.    As I fired up the Gimble for the 4K camera, Jim Cain (denture lab manager) rolled up and greated me with his fresh new KDZ Bruxer® Aesthetic zirconia Veneers!   Lookin fresh and a with a well lit set in the lab we mosied into the Directors chairs and started the shoot.

Motion in the “denture” ocean!

After a very short, and too the point overview on the KDZ Denture products and a bit about bego cast paritals and other removables we got to pick up the gimble motion stabelizer and move around the lab floor with Dr. Hornbrook & Jim.   First I learned a bit about Ivoclar Ivocap and got to actually boil some up!  Pressing the Ivocap was actually pretty easy, but when I got around the boiling water I soon realized I wasnt steaming shrimp!   The water was scoliding and still not sure what I actually did there but it was super cool none the less.  I took the birdy cam around the lab where the dentures were being built with ivoclar teeth and ivocap.  Some of the Techs were really engaged and as I looked closer I really got to see the artistry behind the wax & bites that they were doing.  Lots of FIRE, which because of its elemental value, I love filming.  I really got in close with the Macro 45MM leica lense on some of the Premiume and Ultra Premium denture builds.   It is quiet a remarkable site, and the coloring of the Ivoclar material was insanity.  I was pretty astonished at how real these look.

Thats a Wrap!

We wrapped up with some of the final products and really getting into why the Keating Dental Lab Dentures Department & Removables was second to none in the dental industry.   Its really a LAB within a Lab and the product knowledge and expertise are unrivaled.  To sum it up, these guys are good!   Well, when my higly tranlucent e.max veneers wear all the way down and I am left with just gum, I know where to go to pick myself up a solid ultra premium denture set!    Thanks Jim and Dr. Hornbrook for another fantastic lesson in modern dentistry!

Timothy Patrick

Creative Director/DP/DPC

Full Video Transcript:

Dr. Hornbrook:  Hello, I’m Dr. David Hornbrook, the Clinical Director of Education at Keating Dental Lab, in Irvine, California. Today I’m with Jim Cain. Hey, Jim. He’s the manager of our Removable Department here at Keating. Jim, you’re doing a bunch of cool things. I’m up there all the time, exploring and meeting with the technicians. You’re doing a lot of cool things up there, but really what I want to do now is talk a bit about the dentures, and I know that at Keating we have basically three categories of dentures. We start with the KDA Denture, which why don’t you go ahead and elaborate on that.

Jim Cain:               KDA Dentures are economy dentures. We use a simple plastic tooth, and economy base support type of filler. It’s great for immediate situations and things like that.

Dr. Hornbrook:  Okay. What does that include? Do you get bite blocks, [crosstalk 00:00:45] rims?

Jim Cain:               Bite block, your set-up, your finish, of course. If you needed a custom fitting that would be extra, but everything else is included in that.

Dr. Hornbrook:  Okay, okay. I’ve seen those. They’re economy, but they’re not cheap.

Jim Cain:               No.

Dr. Hornbrook:  Cheap as far as quality.

Jim Cain:               It’s a good quality tooth, yes.

Dr. Hornbrook:  Absolutely. We’re using Ivoclar, acrylic and good teeth. As long as the prescription’s right, done right by the doctor, then they fit great.

Jim Cain:               Absolutely.

Dr. Hornbrook:  They’re a great working alternative to some of the more expensive dentures.

Let’s move forward and let’s talk about our ultra, our KDA Ultra Denture.

Jim Cain:               Our Ultra Denture is our top of the line. It uses Phonares brand of teeth from Ivoclar. We use the Ivocap Denture system to process that denture base.

Dr. Hornbrook:  What exactly … Ivocap, how is that different from [Edentulous 00:01:28] flasking and stuff? How is that different?

Jim Cain:               It’s along the same lines, but it is cured under heat and pressured, so as the denture cures, new material is constantly being pushed in behind it, and the denture base is very, very                                    strong, very color stable. It’s an excellent denture finish, and the fit are outstanding.

Dr. Hornbrook:  Okay, then the teeth we utilize for that are …

Jim Cain:               The Phonares brand.

Dr. Hornbrook:  Okay, Ivoclar?

Jim Cain:               Yeah, Ivoclar.

Dr. Hornbrook:  It’s a composite tooth?

Jim Cain:               Yeah.

Dr. Hornbrook:   Excellent, excellent beautiful tooth.

Jim Cain:               Absolutely.

Dr. Hornbrook:   As well as durable.

Jim Cain:               Yeah.

Dr. Hornbrook:    Again, that includes the bite box. It’s kind of a kit. All these different dentures. [00:02:00]

Jim Cain:               It’s all inclusive. Your bite-box, your try-in, and a set-up, of course, and then the finish.

Dr. Hornbrook:  Okay, so that’s the Ultra. We have the KDA Economy or basic denture, and then we one in the middle and that’s the premium.

Jim Cain:               That’s our premium denture. That uses the Ivocap Denture Finish as well. We use the Avocar BlueLine of teeth for that. It is probably our most popular denture right now: the fit,                                     the finish; again, that strong Ivocap base, and then the good BlueLine teeth.

Dr. Hornbrook:  Okay, so the steps along the way from what we get from the doctor and the [inaudible 00:02:34] and the mounting, to up to the point it’s actually finished, is pretty much the same.

Jim Cain:               Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. Hornbrook:  The difference is between the Premium and the Ultra is the Ivocap system, which is phenomenal, and then basically the teeth.

Jim Cain:               Yep.

Dr. Hornbrook:   The quality of the teeth, [crosstalk 00:02:48].

Jim Cain:               The quality of the tooth, absolutely.

Dr. Hornbrook:   Okay.

Jim Cain:               They’re all good quality teeth, they come into, as well.

Dr. Hornbrook:   Great. Okay, great. Thanks for spending the time with us. I appreciate it. Hopefully you’ll give Keating Dental Lab a try next your denture case.

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Founded in 2002, Keating Dental Lab is a full-service dental laboratory serving dentists and patients throughout the United States. Think of Keating as your one-stop solution, offering everything from case planning and diagnostic waxing, to full arch implant hybrid restorations. 

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